
Michel Telo - If I Catch You lyrics (2012)

Artist : Michel Telo
The title song : If I Catch You (Song Lyrics 2012)
Songwriters :--

Video Michel Telo - If I Catch You

Michel Telo - If I Catch You lyrics

Ow, wow, this way you're gonna kill me
Oh, if I catch you
Oh, my God if I catch you

Delicious, delicious
This way you're gonna kill me
Oh, if I catch you
Oh, my God, if I catch you

Saturday at the party
Everybody started to dance
Then the prettiest girl past in front of me
I got closer and started to say...

Wow, wow, this way you're gonna kill me
Oh, if I catch you
Oh, my God, if I catch you

Delicious, delicious
This way you're gonna kill me
Oh, if I catch you
Oh, my God if I catch you
courtesy of songlyricsupdate.blogspot.com
Saturday at the party
Everybody started to dance
Then the prettiest girl past in front of me
I got closer and started to say...

Wow, wow, this way you're gonna kill me
Oh, if I catch you
Oh, my God, if I catch you

Delicious, delicious
This way you're gonna kill me
Oh, if I catch you
Oh, my God if I catch you

Wow, wow, this way you're gonna kill me
Oh, if I catch you
Oh, my God, if I catch you

Delicious, delicious
This way you're gonna kill me
Oh, if I catch you
Oh, my God if I catch you

Images Michel Telo - If I Catch You
Michel Telo - If I Catch You

Disclaimer : Writing Michel Telo - If I Catch You lyrics This may not be entirely 100% correct, if there are errors in writing please Contact us